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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Common mistakes we make

Here are just a few

1- Ordering Traffic. Using blasters, safelists, traffic exchanges
2- Buying leads, not generating them
3- Promoting the company instead of promoting yourself first.

1- Ordering traffic is a mistake everyone has made. The traffic
isn't targeted traffic, no matter what they claim. How could it be?
The traffic most people buy is general, at best, if it's delivered.

Do you know what H.I.TS. stands for? How Idiots Track Sales!

Some people think that just because their url or website got a lot
of hits means they will get sales. You need targeted traffic that
knows why they're at your site in the first place in order to monetize
the visitors.

If somebody could send me 50,000 highly targeted visitors,
I'd pay them $50,000.00 because it would be worth it!!

But it's not worth it and hardly ever get results.
You must generate your own traffic.

Adblasters, these things hardly ever work and you'd be better
off using other methods of driving buyers to your site, like
solo ads in ezines and Google Adwords. I tested the effectiveness
of some blasters I bought a long time ago, and tracked the results
by seeing how many leads were generated.

Results? Let's just say that blasters do
not work and aren't a good use of your time.

Safelists are full of sellers trying to sell, not buyers looking
to buy,so this isn't a good way to spend your valuable time, either.

The same thing applies to traffic exchanges, too.
Ask any experienced and successful Internet Marketer
if they use traffic exchanges and they'll tell you
there's a better way to get traffic

Sure, you might get some leads, and maybe even some sales with
the aforementioned methods,but the time it takes and the clutter
in your Inbox just isn't worth it.

My goal is to NOT trade all of my time
for money, like most people do in their day-to-day jobs.

My goal is to be an effective marketer.

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