I've been with verizon dsl for a good 3 years now going on to 4. For the past 2 months i've been constantly calling them by-weekly because i kept losing my internet connection. Now I do not have much time for myself since i leave for work early in the morning and return real late mostly because i stop by the gym before getting home. A usual technical service call would usually take me between an hour or two to have the problem resolved. This always gets me irritated and i usually start raising my tone or criticizing both verizon and my router service (linksys). Today June 14 i set a record with technical support. My problem was resoled in 4hours and 30 minutes. Yes that's right four hours and 20 minutes. Why? I kept jumping from verizon to linksys. I would speak with a verizon techinician and then get back to linksys for more system configurations and so on for 4 hours. Now i was surprised that this time i was not getting irritated or angry. I did not raise my tone i kept calm and followed the instructions given to me. At some point i got both verizon and lynksis agents talking to one another. They were not agreeing with one another and the dsl agent HUNG UP ON ME. He hung up on me after i've been on the phone for 3 hours going back and forth with dsl and verizon. I was shocked but again not angry which is weird because i would have normally thrown the phone or broke something out of frustration. So what i did is call it a day and told the linsys agent i would try again tomorrow. But hey i'm an internet guy and cannot go a day without being online. So i decided to reset both the modem and the router and to setup it up myself. After all i had been on the phone for 4 hours trying to get my online connection back on again. The good news is that i was able to get my online connection to work. Since i remembered what to do because i must have called a million times and the process is now forever stored in my head.
I'm giving 2 thumbs down to verizon customer service and would really be happy if i could meat the kind gentleman that was so nice enough to hang up on me. I want to meet him just to show my appreciation.
Why the F**** am i not getting angry? Why am i still calm even thought it's 2:14 in the morning? It's strange for the past week i've been feeling emotional changes. I am constantly smiling or understanding. i haven't been irritated in a while now it's weird. ... The only new thing that happened to me this month is that i started to make more money online thanks to bum marketing (article writing). I made more money in clickbank than the past 2 years i've tried. My adsense sites seem to be converting well. I'm having better results at the gym and i joined shaklee. I've been using shaklee products for about 2 weeks now. Ah... I think i know what it is now. Hmm... well i'll reprot back later and specify which shaklee products i'm using. Very interesting indeed
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