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Thursday, May 24, 2007

If I Was A Newbie This Is How I would Make Cash

This is a post that i took from the warrior forum.
This is very good information. I usually read tips that some people give and don't pay much attention to them. however this was a good one. I like it i read every word of it and took notes of course. The post is below enjoy :-)

I have made many mistakes and I hope that this will help give some of you a heads up so as to not make the same mistake as myself.I mainly use the bum marketing method and I will lay out step by step my methods that have worked for me.
Please ignore grammer mistakes. I aint that good at typing fast lol.

If I was just starting out in this business here is what I would do.I will explain why after.

1. I would register with this forum. If you are not already a member do so now. I would then start posting and getting to know alot of the regulars and learning as you go along.

2.I would go to and open an account.A blog in my opinion can be just as good as your own website. But to get you started it will be sufficient. Some people also reccommend wordpress but I find blogger just fine.

3.I would then go to and sign up for your free account. To those of you who are totally new to this business, ezinearticles is a website that allows you to post articles that will drive traffic to your blogs.

4. Next I would go to and open an autoresponder. This is probably the only product that will cost you money for now.

5. I would then download for free

6. I would then register with There are many other affiliate programmes available and I use a few but to get started I reccommed this one as paycheck are very regular.

7. You will also need some sort of keyword generator but this is sufficient

Ok..Now that I have told you the products that I use I will try and tell you what I do with them and hopefully you will start seeing some cash comming in.

What I do next is try and pick a niche. When picking a niche try to make it something that you are interested in. For example lets say you have an interest in car window tinting. Or you know how to do it. What you have to do is firslty look for a product that you could sell to people who are interested in tinting car windows. This could be an instructional manual on clickbank or even some material available from a window tinting affiliate. Just choose something that your audience would actually buy.

Once you have your product you should now go to your blog that you have setup. On your blog try to write a few posts related to say for example tinting an mg zr window.Tinting a saxo window, tinting a bmw window. Or even include posts in your blog telling you how to fit brakes etc. Anything that you feel would interest somebody of this background. Now within the posts in your blog you need to include the product that you want to sell to them. This is vital.Now include an opt in on your blog that will allow people to sign up for more info. Find some relevant info that you can send them and set it up in your aweber autoresponder.

What I then do next is use my keyword tool to find keywords that people would use to search for the information related to my blog. Ask yourself the question " if I want to tint my car what phrases would I use to find the information"...

Ok now that you have came up with relevant keyword phrases you need to select the ones that have the most searches and the least competition. This is thie tricky part and you need to find a balance.

Now I then write articles. I include the keywords in the title, at the end and also 1.5times every 100 words.

I post my articles to ezinearticles and a few other directories but not that many. And then i wait until the articles are listed. And i keep writing more using as many good keyword phrases as I can think of.

The next thing I would do is try to create a short ebook report on car window tinting and give it to your subscribers or everybody that visits your website for free. In this ebook include your links to your product that you are trying to sell them and also to your blog.

Over time you products and links willbe all over the internet. I would allow about 30days from beginning before you will start to get excited with any income.

Then when you have done that go to blogger and setup a brand new blog in another niche. And after that do the same again.

Another key tip is to join forums related to your niche and post regularly building up trust so that people will follow your links to your products and you will soon find that you are being recommended all over the place.

Once you have build up your blogs you will have learned alot of the keys to this business and you can then progress onto other methods including adwords and creating more products etc.

You could even sell the sites you have build up for alot of cash.

Anyway I hope this has helped some of you out there. These are the exact methods and tools that I am using at the moment and of course I use alot of other extra tips but these are the main areas I focus on.

This is how I started out to make money in this business. I know many of you will do it differently and I am keen to hear all of your views.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Watch out for MLM business opportunities

Any MLM business opportunity worth considering will either have a track record that you can investigate and evaluate or it will have a clear statement of the plan, the potential, and the up-front costs.

Before investing any time or money in a specific MLM business opportunity, there are some questions you should consider first.

How long has the business opportunity been in business? Before investing time and money in marketing an MLM business opportunity, it is important to determine how long it has been operating.

If it is a new concept that has not been proven in the marketplace, you have no assurance that it will even work.

Does the company have a fixed address and phone number? This may seem obvious to you, but the fact is, thousands of companies operate with nothing more than a website and an email address.

Many of them are here today and gone tomorrow. Make sure the business you intend to deal with has a fixed address, physical location, and established phone number.

Does the MLM business opportunity have some successful members you can talk to? Most business opportunities will show you testimonials. But these are often untrustworthy.

They could even be completely fabricated. Ask the owner of the business for names of real people you can talk to. Call them on the telephone and ask them to share their experiences with the program.

This will not only provide you with valuable first-hand information about the program, but it will give you a list of advisors who might be willing to help you along the way.

How much initial investment is required? In many cases a proven MLM business opportunity with a successful track record will involve some kind of initial investment.

You should not assume that a business opportunity that is free to join is a better investment. Usually a free-to-join business will involve other costs such as marketing and advertising fees. Just keep in mind that nobody gives away “opportunities” for free.

What you have to determine is whether a specific MLM business opportunity has a successful track record, is managed by honest people and offers you a realistic chance of actually making some money. These are the things you must weigh against the entry costs.

What is the realistic income potential of the business? Have a careful look at the numbers and projections provided by the business opportunity. Then talk with actual members who are using the program to determine if they have been able to turn those numbers into reality.

Are there extra fees such as yearly or monthly subscription fees, shipping costs, or minimum purchase requirements? Make sure to get a detailed list of all the fees involved in operating the new business. These things may not seem significant now, but they can easily eat into your profits later.

How much control of your new business will you have? Be clear on who owns the business, and who controls the way it is developed and marketed. You may want to diversify your product offerings in order to avoid being at the mercy of a "head office.

The MLM business opportunity should require low initial investment and have high profit potential both in the short term and in the long term. It should allow you to build a profitable business of your own that will be a source of income far into the future.

The Home-Based MLM Business Opportunity Ride

Is it possible to enter into a home-based MLM business opportunity over the Internet? Why not? The “yes” will answer you right in front of your face. Everything is possible with the participation of Internet especially in the modern business transactions.

However is the home-based MLM business opportunity feasible and profitable? How can one succeed in this kind of business?

Are you ready to take a ride into the four-step procedures toward a successful home-based MLM business?

Here they are:

Step number 1. Recruit First

Why do you have to recruit first instead of doing other things?

Home-based MLM business opportunities are network marketing. It is composed of uplines and downlines.

Uplines are independent representatives who recruit another independent representative which they will use in the direct selling of goods and services to customers. Put simply, the recruiter is the upline. They get their commission on the sales of the other independent representatives.

On the other hand, the recruited independent representatives are the downlines. Home-based MLM business opportunity is a commission-based joint effort of uplines and downlines.

That is the main reason why both uplines and downlines must work together. Without the other, the whole business force will be paralyzed. It will not function.

What does this mean? Both parties share the same level of importance or significance to the group. Try to imagine a home-based MLM business opportunity without uplines and downlines? It does not seem right, isn’t it? You’re going to have these four (4) “NO”:

If you do not have recruited independent representatives or if they are not working effectively, there will be no income, no consumption of products and services, no one to market the products and services and no one will cater the customers.

Step number 2. Maintain the minimum sales required.

Home-based MLM business opportunities are so simple yet requires careful analysis of the sales income. You have to be a mathematician on this part to be able to tally your expenses and revenues.

Everyday, independent representatives market the products and services. So make it a habit to tally the income entering everyday and the expenses leaving every hour.

Step number 3. Monitor the consumption of products and services.

Check your inventory. There is no further explanation needed as it is stated clearly enough. This simply means maintaining the minimum stock of products available to avoid having an empty or void stock.

Step number 4. Train your downlines regularly.

In every field, learning is always a requirement. Even if you are a teacher, you still need to study and learn.

The thing here is to have a constant training schedule for the downlines. Study shows that a well-instructed downline creates a big difference than the downline with stagnant information in mind.

Constant study really pays at the end. Some of the recommended topics are proper customer treatment, how to communicate effectively, business ethics, and everything that is needed to help them as well as your home-based MLM business.

If you have already taken into account all the procedures needed to have a successful home-based MLM business opportunity, you are now ready towards establishing that career path.

The formulas are already in your hands. All that is needed now is to get it into effect. The only thing missing to complete the home-based MLM business opportunity is you.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Welcome Aboard

Hey there my name is Zoul. I’m your upline in 3tepsecrets, cashflow123 and PIF4P. I would like to personally welcome you to my team. You’ve made a wise decision. Learn to become financially free by using a marketing system so powerfull, you can use it to promote your primary business no matter what it is (of course that mostly depends on the quality of your primary business). Before i go on and continue please take a look at your websites back office. Take your time and read it. Then get back to me if you have any questions. My contact info is in your back office.
Here is your website just in case you don’t remember:

For 3Steps members

For Casflow123 members

For PayitForward4Profits

It’s also very important that you familiarize yourself with our Live training calls Live Training Calls

You need to be a member of PayitForward4Profits in order to have access to the free training calls.

Once again welcome aboard!

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Importance Of Articles

What is one of the best way to get free targeted Leads? How do experienced marketers get loads and loads of people comiong back to their websites withouth much effort? Well the answer is... Articles

That's right articles but how come? Why is it that writning articles and submiting them to other websites or article directories so important?

These were the questions i used to ask myself everytime i heard of this. I'm sure the same applies to you also. Well here are just a few different reasons why it is so important to sunbmit your articles.

1. Article subimition may make or break your online or offline business. The more action you take the more you get exposure to your website. How does this work you ask... Simple your article content has to be relevant to your niche market. Your articles must contain information needed by someone searching for a certain term online (search engines). That can only be achieved if you have good content in your articles. If the reader doesn't like your article, then you get a bad reputation for posting a terrible article. As an online marketer you want to be known for good things not for spamming.

After your articles have been submitted and accpeted into a article directory database it will remain there for as long as the site is still running and hopefully for you and me, that's forever :-)-- Let's say you submit an article today and 5,6, 10 years from now a curious reader puts in a search term related to your article. Your article shows up eventhough you've written and forgotten about it and that my friend is free advertising.

Each article contains a ressource box in which you input your name, a little info about yourself and your website link. You get links pointing back to you as a result of your effort. When others read your article they will want to use it as content for their websites as long as they agree to leave the article intact and keep your ressource box. As this evolves, your name, articles and website gets listed in search engines giving you credibility and popularity. As a result you get free traffic, people will readily buy your products or services. The more articles you write and submit on a consitant basis, the more traffic you'll recieve and the more successful your business will become.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

My recent post on the warrior's forum

I'm trying to get a very responsive list. i currently have a list of about 1000 and growing. The list is not as responsive as i would like it's mostly my fault because i was a terrible marketer [:(]
I never kept up with my list... i didn't do my job as an Internet marketer I can come with many excuses but those won't help.
My goal is to get a good list, fast. Why fast well because i'm a college student and i want to use my skills as an internet marketer to uh pay my tuition. I have all summer to do that. we're in early may and school will resume in early september i should be able to do it with dedication and hopefully your help.
I have 2 autoresponders, one provides me with monthly leads.
I have access to a coregistration lead source (i'm getting double optin leads from there0
I finally learned how to build my own capture page thanks to an html editor..
i know how to capture leads but google is a tad bit expensive when you're targeting biz op seekers.
I setup a schedule where i contact my list at least twice a week.
I've planned to get more advertising money through adsense but seems there's more work to it than i thought.
I was listening to Michael's Gaspie podcast. This guy said that at first he realized that his 500 tail list earned him $500/month. So that's $1 per list member. I'm not there yet but would love to do so soon.

So my fellow warriors my ears are open whisper some ideas and hints my way. I've got goals to meet and a lifestyle to achieve.
My ultimate goal is to have fun while making money. I'm 23 and i don't want to be tied down to a chair doing a 9 to five job.

Hmm.. i'll copy and paste this to my blog this will be good content for myself and my growing list.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

How To Use Traffic Swarm

Traffic Swarm provides a built-in traffic and advertising source for your new website. When you sign up and activate your account, you get 100 free advertising credits. You can immediately login to your Traffic Swarm account, set up an ad for free and promote your site to millions of online visitors at no cost whatsoever. This is an amazing free advertising program that will put you on the fast track to getting traffic and making profits with your website.
Click here to sign up FREE now!

Now the question is, do I upgrade my Traffic Swarm account . . . .or not? I have been using Traffic Swarm for 3 months, and I generate signups for my programs almost every day. There is a secret to Traffic Swarm, that most free members do not know. If you are a Pro Member, you get 2500 credits per month just to start out. And most important. You earn 2 – 3 time the credits for surfing that free members get. Also, you can make money. You get a $5 commission for every personally sponsored member. It doesn’t stop there $4 for the nest level. $3, nest, $2, and then $1 per month for the 5th level. I took me only 15 days to get my monthly Traffic Swarm paid for, by referring my members to this great Traffic Exchange. You also get credits for all the surfing habits of your downline members.

Now, upgraded members sites get shown more. Of course, it cost money for Traffic Swarm to operate. They must reward there Pro Members. One of the key secrets I use, is I never let my Traffic Swarm credits get below 3000. The Traffic Swarm programmers use complicated algorithms to decide which ads to show and how often. They have to look at how many credits members have, and show the ads of the members with the most credits more often to use up those credits.

The other secret I use is multiple ads, pointing to the same web sites. I currently use 15 ads to promote my PIF4P business. Each ad gives the viewer a different reason to click on my ad. Remember, that almost 95% of Traffic Swarm Users are already Internet Business Owners. Do not try to sell them your business. Try to sell them something that helps their existing business.

My traffic Swarm Pro memberships is one of my most cost effective advertising methods I use to promote my websites.

Click below to sign up, or if you are already a member, its time to upgrade and get some signups!

Click here to sign up Now!

How To Work With Direct Matches

I'm sure most of you have heard of MySpace, the social network phenomena that has 40+ million members. DirectMatches builds on that idea but gears it for the professional and network marketing audience.DirectMatches is a free to join network where you can create a profile, network with your primary prospect group and advertise your PIF4P business.

DirectMatches is the first in the online business and social networking industry to deploy a multi-matchmaking system that helps people locate everything from business contacts to network marketing professionals. It is the first business and social networking service with a contact management system that operates on a "dynamic basis", where members are able to select from dedicated networking communities.Here's how you can get the most out of your DirectMatches membership.

If you haven't done so already sign up by clicking here: . You can sign up for free, $9.95/month, $19.95/month or $29.95/month. I recommend to get at least a "Managing IR" membership ($19.95) to be able to get the most out of this tool.Once you've signed up you will want to set up your user profile.

There are 3 areas that you will be placing your profile information. Keep in mind that this information is used to match you against other members profiles in the system. Here is what I put in my profile to match the people I'm most looking for in the system:Under "Occupation" I checked "MLM". You may want to check "Retired" and "Self-Employed" as well.Under "Business Topics" I checked "Ad Strategies", "Internet Marketing" and "Home Based Business".Under "Business Interests" I checked "Marketing, Advertising" and "Networking".

Once you've done that put your other information in and click on "submit".You will then be taken to your profile page where you will want to click on "My Business Matches". You will find that you should have matched hundreds if not thousands of other members. This is where you will get started in building your DirectMatches contact base.Once you are on the "My Business Matches" page you will want to start adding contacts. Assuming all of these folks match what you are looking for, go ahead and start clicking on the "add me to contacts" button for each one.

You want to go through at least the first 10 pages, which will be 100 contacts. Once you've done that you can go back to those contact profiles and send them an email introducing yourself. Keep it informal and short. Make sure you have your sig file on the bottom of your email (you can set it up in your email options).You will now have 100 contacts that you will have made initial contact with. Hopefully, they should all add you as a contact on their page.

They will automatically show up in your contact section on your page giving you the opportunity to have regular communications with them. You will want to continue this process (adding business matches) on a daily basis. By the end of the week you should have 700 new contacts to network with and more than likely a few sign ups into PIF4P.

The next thing you can do as part of your DM strategy is to send daily group emails out to your contact list. You are limited to sending it to 60 people a day so plan accordingly. That doesn't mean you can't send more than that, just that you can only send 60 group messages at a time. I would send a daily tip out, something that will help them in building their MLM business. You can tie it to the Success Guide or just something that you are doing to drive traffic. People will soon start to expect this from you and you will become an information resource for them. Send a link to your blog as well as a helpful resource.

Another powerful feature you have within DM is the network search feature that you will find in your mail page. You will use it to locate members that are in particular network marketing companies, like Shaklee or Xango. You will get back pages of contacts that belong to that MLM group. Once you've done that you click on "add me to contacts", then I come back to their profile and click on the email link.

Here is what I email them:

Subject Line: Want to build your (insert the name of their MLM) dowline faster?I'm going to be direct and to the point.

Would you like to find out how to sign up more members into (insert the name of their MLM)then you ever thought possible?

Using this system I've been able to sign up 500 new members in the past 6 weeks.And the best part. . . It's free to join.Check it out.

Let me know if you have any questions once you've had a chance to look at it.


**ONLY LOSERS PAY FOR LEADS** Discover how average people with no marketing backgrounds are getting prospects to pay them....NEVER PAY FOR TRAFFIC AGAIN!!!

Try and send out at least 15-20 of these everyday. It is a more aggressive approach but it works really well.

The other activity you can do is to post comments on your contacts page. Simply go to their page and click on add a comment. You can write a quick note and add the PIF4P banner in that comment field as well.

By working your DM resource on a daily basis you will bring a good deal of qualified traffic to your PIF4P website and start getting signups from that traffic.

Zoul-Kifl Pio

P.S. Thank you Rick Jorgenson for these great instructions