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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"Three Words Guaranteed To Make Your Sales

"Three Words Guaranteed To Make Your Sales
Letter Fail...Get Rid Of Them And Watch
Your Responses Skyrocket!"

When reviewing clients' ads, sales letters, brochures, and other sales pieces there are
Three words that always need to be deleted to make the letter more effective in generating responses.
Before you hear what the words are, let's make sure that you know where the
emphasis of your ads or letters should be. The emphasis, of course, should always be on
your customer.
You'll want to speak to your reader’s needs, wants, desires, and fears.
That's how you'll be able to get your message into your prospects' emotional level
brain so that your customer will take action. Remember, all decisions are made on an
emotional basis first and then justified by logic later.
And the best way to get to your prospects emotional brain is to speak of the benefits
your customer receives by purchasing your product/service...not the features...but the
As a reminder, BENEFITS are the RESULTS your customer will receive by doing
business with you and features are the distinguishing characteristics of your
It's great that your product/service has distinguishing characteristics (features) that
separate you from your competition, however, if you show your prospect the desired
RESULTS you can provide, then you're showing your customers the BENEFITS
received by purchasing your products/services.
Okay, so what are these three words guaranteed to make your ads and sales letters
They are the words that completely take the focus off of your customer...these three
words do not speak to your customers' emotions...these three words do nothing to instill
desire in your prospect for your product/service...the three words to get rid of in your ads
and sales letters are, "I...Me...My".
These three words put the emphasis and spotlight on you, the writer, instead of your
customer/prospect. There is no way for you to communicate to your reader's emotions if
you only speak about yourself ("I, me, my"). You've got to be writing to your reader,
about your reader and your reader's hopes, desires,. wants, dreams, and fears.
That's how you get them to respond to your offer.
Now here's something that you may find interesting.
Have you noticed that in this discussion, that the words "I, me, or my" have not been
YOU...have been the complete focus of this discussion...YOU and YOUR customers
and prospects.
And at first it's pretty hard to get the words "I, me, my" out of your writing.
Why is that, you ask?
Well, it's because guessed it...your own emotions.
All humans, "way down deep", are only interested in their own wants and desires.
That's "way down deep" on the subconscious levels (remember the article about the three
brains and how to communicate with each).
So that's why it's hard at first to get rid of these three words.
But fortunately for your bank account, you can learn to delete "I, me, my" from your
vocabulary and learn to turn phrases into "you, your, and yours" that put the spotlight
where it belongs, which is on your customer/prospect.
This one little change in your ads and letters will increase your effectiveness and your
results immediately.
So here's what you do now.
Go through your ads and letters and re-write any sentence that has the words "I, me,
my" in them. By doing this, you'll automatically have to place the spotlight on your
customers, which will help you communicate the desired results (benefits) of your
product/service to your customers own wants and desires.
Now sometimes it just seems impossible to get around using an "I, me, or my" in a
sentence (but make sure you don't give up too easy). When this occurs, use the words
"we, us, our" instead. This will soften the focus on "I, me, my" and give you a little
springboard to get back to using the words "you, your, yours". But make sure that you've
tried every which way to phrase the sentence using "you, your, yours" first.

Common mistakes we make

Here are just a few

1- Ordering Traffic. Using blasters, safelists, traffic exchanges
2- Buying leads, not generating them
3- Promoting the company instead of promoting yourself first.

1- Ordering traffic is a mistake everyone has made. The traffic
isn't targeted traffic, no matter what they claim. How could it be?
The traffic most people buy is general, at best, if it's delivered.

Do you know what H.I.TS. stands for? How Idiots Track Sales!

Some people think that just because their url or website got a lot
of hits means they will get sales. You need targeted traffic that
knows why they're at your site in the first place in order to monetize
the visitors.

If somebody could send me 50,000 highly targeted visitors,
I'd pay them $50,000.00 because it would be worth it!!

But it's not worth it and hardly ever get results.
You must generate your own traffic.

Adblasters, these things hardly ever work and you'd be better
off using other methods of driving buyers to your site, like
solo ads in ezines and Google Adwords. I tested the effectiveness
of some blasters I bought a long time ago, and tracked the results
by seeing how many leads were generated.

Results? Let's just say that blasters do
not work and aren't a good use of your time.

Safelists are full of sellers trying to sell, not buyers looking
to buy,so this isn't a good way to spend your valuable time, either.

The same thing applies to traffic exchanges, too.
Ask any experienced and successful Internet Marketer
if they use traffic exchanges and they'll tell you
there's a better way to get traffic

Sure, you might get some leads, and maybe even some sales with
the aforementioned methods,but the time it takes and the clutter
in your Inbox just isn't worth it.

My goal is to NOT trade all of my time
for money, like most people do in their day-to-day jobs.

My goal is to be an effective marketer.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Focus Is Very Important

Lesson learned. I was always looking for an online opportunity to start making money. I start out with something promising and barely work on it. Days go by i do minimal work and then i get angry, or surprised that I'm not getting any success. So naturally i find something more appealing and sign up to it thinking that this opportunity is better, than the previous and what do i do? I repeat the process? why?
I'm a lazy person i always look for the easier way to accomplish a task. That doesn't lead me anywhere. You can only bee lazy once you worked hard enough that you don't really need to keep working yourself to achieve a certain goal. Lets say that for example my goal is to get traffic to a certain site lets say 500 per day. There certain steps i have to take in order to achieve it. If i don't follow the steps then i won't accomplish my goals. I should only think of being lazy if i have a system that brings me that much traffic for less work.
I jumped from one opportunity to another. I worked hard on some and little on others.
It's weird when it comes to the Internet i tend to think that things are a lot easier than they should be. I don't know where that state of mind comes in but it's very costly. I study hard for my exams and get good results. I work hard when i work out and get good results. If i don't study then my grades go down and if i don't work out i loose muscle mass and get fat.
Focusing is very important in life and it should also be in Internet marketing. Every day i have tasks that i follow to get my business moving. I'm doing a lot better now that i keep tabs on my activities.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Give Google the Finger..

I just got an email about Keith Baxter's Free Report called - "Give PPC the Finger"

I will admit, like you may be feeling now, that I thought it was some hyped up offer to get me to join for free and get some offer...

...Turns out I was wrong. Way wrong.

The bottom line is, this report really opened my eyes. The good news is, the report also shows you what you need to know to succeed in the near future.

The times are changing and I it would be a shame for anyone to not read this report and fail like many will.

I read it, and I wanted to share it with you ASAP.

I recommend you take a break from what ever it is you are doing if you can and get access to this report now.

Consider your future success by going here now...

This report could be an eye opener to most. You learn something most people don't know about. I say Pay Per Click is great because it works for me and i can't really complain about it but guess what this report show that there's a better way to get targeted traffic for a lot less than pay per click.

PS - Keith says it will only be available for a few weeks at most so do
not delay...

Monday, January 22, 2007

List Building Strategies With Janet Legere

List Building Strategies With Janet Legere: "News and Events for January 20, 2007

It's been an incredible start to an incredible year and I can't wait to see what the rest holds.

10kHits4UNow Releases Ban on PIF4P

I'm excited about my recent conversation with Rob Gehring, owner of the popular 10KHits4UNow Traffic Exchange program. After further discussion, Rob decided to lift the ban on PIF4P and has opened its doors.

If you aren't using this great resource, get in now and get your PIF4P website seen!

Get it Here Now

Get on board before all the PIF4P members do and capitalize on their large, fresh membership!"

Alright i recieved this notification today from Janet Legere and she is someone that i will follow blindly because she's been in the internet marketing business for a long time now and she's a very credible person. I found her to be very trustworthy also so naturally i checked out the website and guess what she did it again. 10kHits4u is like traffic swarm and it's great. People actually view your website, they view it's content and well right now it's just what i need to advertise my links.
Thank You Janet :-)

I've Learned To Avoid The Following Free Traffic Tactics

This is from personal experience. I'm not trying to criticize anybody using them i just don't think they work. I've used the following programs:
# Auto-Surf Programs
# Guaranteed Hits
# Safe Lists
# Ad Blasters
# Search Engine Blasters
# FFA Sites and Link Farm

I concluded that these are not really great tools. Yes i got lots of traffic using them but i did not get good results. I managed to get some clicks and even a few people sign up for my offers but the sign up ratio is really terrible and here is why.
These programs are free to use and almost anybody can use them. However we all do the same thing and that is only advertise our business and not pay attention to the others. Lets take the example of auto surf programs. This is what i did, i came i saw , i liked the idea , i signed up, posted my links and just let the system rotate them for a period of time and that is what everyone else is doing. So i learned that for me most free traffic sources do not work well in matter of attracting people to your site. It's mostly automated and you receive almost no target traffic. No target traffic to me is a waste of time. What's the point of having traffic if you can't get interested people to view and or click your link?
Of course there are exceptions and many free traffic driving programs that work well like TrafficSwarm for example.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I created a website

Alright i created a website to go along with this blog. The main point of this site is to help people who have questions about online businesses. It will ,contain tips on what steps to take and also i encourage readers to come post to this blog. Naturally the website address is It's not complete i will be adding more information to it